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2020 Lab News


December 2020

Lab member Eva Lancaster was awarded the Kenneth S. Kendler Award for Excellence in Pre-Doctoral Research by the Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics for her dissertation research.

Welcome Eva Lancaster, PhD!

1 October 2020

Eva Lancaster, PhD joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow, a part of the VCU Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award (VCU IRACDA). Roseann Peterson, PhD will serve as her mentor.

COVID-19 BIPOC Student Experiences Committee

September 2020

Terrell Hicks, MS and Roseann Peterson, PhD join the Spit for Science COVID-19 Black, Indigenous and/or People of Color (BIPOC) Student Experiences Working Group and are leading a project on changes in substance use among racial and ethnic minority young adults during the COVID-19 global pandemic.

IDEA Committee Formed

16 July 2020

Dr. Peterson together with key faculty form the VIPBG Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) committee. Their goal is to facilitate innovative, ethical research of the highest quality across diverse populations, while fostering an inclusive, collaborative, and unprejudiced environment in which to educate the next generation of scientists. Read the full IDEA statement here:


March 2020

Terrell Hicks, MS was awarded a National Institute on Drug Abuse NRSA F31 Predoctoral Fellowship that will fund his dissertation research exploring the phenotypic and genotypic etiology of co-occurring PTSD and recreational cannabis use titled “Genetics of Cannabis Use and Trauma-related Phenotypes.”


Spring 2020

The Society of Biological Psychiatry awards Roseann Peterson, PhD with an Early Career Investigator Award!

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