2021 Lab News
December 2021
Roseann E. Peterson, PhD is awarded an R01 Grant from the National Institute of Health (NIH).
Paper Published
December 2021
Lab Director, Roseann E. Peterson, PhD is named a co-author on History of Suicide Attempts and COVID-19 Infection in Veterans with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder: Moderating Effects of Age and Body Mass Index.
December 2021
Terrell Hicks, MS is awarded the Kendler Award for Excellence in Pre-Doctoral Research by Virginia Commonwealth Universty's Virginia Institute of Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics (VIPBG).
American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP)
December 2021
Lab Director, Roseann E. Peterson, PhD presents her poster on Investigating Genetic Effects on Clinical Homogeneity in Major Depression: Symptoms, Subtypes, and Cardiometabolic Traits at the 2021 meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP).
Rotation Research Colloquium
November 2021
Madhur Singh presents his research from his first laboratory rotation at the Biomedical Science Doctoral Portal's (BSDP) Rotation Research Colloquium.
Welcome Madhur Singh!
November 2021
Madhur Singh starts his Biomedical Science Doctoral Portal (BSDP) Second Laboratory Rotation in the POP-GEM Lab, working on a Trans-ancestral GWAS of Major Depression in the UK Biobank.
November 2021
Lab director Roseann Peterson, PhD will be a co-investigator on the Identifying the genetic causes of depression in a deeply phenotyped population from South Korea project, a study newly funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. To learn more, read the VCU News article.
American Society for Human Genetics
18 October 2021 - 22 October 2021
Lab member Eva Lancaster, PhD presented her research investigating shared genetic liability between recurrent major depression and cardiometabolic traits in East Asian populations at the virtual 2021 American Society for Human Genetics (ASHG) Annual Meeting.
World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics
11 October 2021 - 15 October 2021
Lab members Eva Lancaster, PhD, Amanda Gentry, PhD, B. Todd Webb, PhD, and Lab Director Roseann Peterson, PhD attend and present their research at the virtual 2021 World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics.
GREAT Students Present at VCU Symposium
1 September 2021
GREAT program students present at the GREAT Symposium to share their summer research projects on associations between interpersonal violence, polygenic risk scores, and alcohol consumption in college students.
Preprint Online
12 August 2021
Large-scale integration of DNA methylation and gene expression array platforms led by Eva Lancaster, PhD is now preprinted on bioRxiv.
Preprint Online
5 August 2021
Determining the stability of genome-wide factors in BMI between ages 40 to 69 years by POP-GEM collaborators Amanda Gentry, Roseann Peterson, and B. Todd Webb is now posted on bioRxiv.
Paper Published
29 July 2021
Biological age across pregnancy is associated with gestational age at birth and prenatal stress led by Eva Lancaster, PhD is now published in Scientific Reports.
Welcome GREAT students!
3 June 2021
Roseann E. Peterson, PhD will mentor students from VCU's GREAT program. This program is a summer research opportunity for second year students from historically underrepresented backgrounds in the health sciences. The program is supported by VCU Spit for Science.
June 2021
Lab member Eva Lancaster, PhD was awarded the Open Science Special Interest Group (OSSIG) Fellowship by the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM).
June 2021
A presentation given by lab member Eva Lancaster, PhD, along with several fellow IRACDA scholars, was awarded first place in the IRACDA Scholars Competition at the Annual National IRACDA Conference.
Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards (IRACDA)
June 2021
Lab member Eva Lancaster, PhD presented her research entitled Biological age derived from DNA methylation measured in early pregnancy predicts gestational age at delivery beyond established risk factors at the virtual 2021 annual meeting for IRACDA fellows.
ISPG Releases Ethics Statement
May 2021
The International Society of Psychiatric Genetics (ISPG) Ethics Committee, which Dr. Peterson is a member, releases a statement on the use of polygenic risk scores to screen embryos for adult mental health conditions. Read the statement here: https://ispg.net/ethics-statement/
Preprint Online
30 April 2021
Missingness Adapted Group Informed Clustered (MAGIC)-LASSO: A novel paradigm for prediction in data with widespread non-random missingness led by Amanda Gentry, PhD is now on bioRxiv!
April 2021
B. Todd Webb, PhD is awarded NIMH R21 grant "Adapting machine learning methods to detect genetic loci specific to strictly defined MDD."
Paper Published
Welcome Eva Lancaster, PhD!
Genome-wide analyses of smoking behaviors in schizophrenia: Findings from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium is now published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research.
Welcome Rowan O'Hara!
18 January 2021
Accelerated Master's student Rowan K. O'Hara joins the lab for an independent study rotation. Roseann E. Peterson, PhD will serve as her mentor.